Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Hi. I'm new to the blog sphere. I have been a voyeur on many blogs (check out my blog list) but it has taken me a year and a half to decide that I might have something to contribute.

Today, I'm home with my youngest who is in JK (picture is one of her a few years ago).

I have just recently been affected by the financial situation that is affecting people all over the world. I work in the automotive sector and the plant I have been working in for the past 8 years has been slated for closure by the end of March/April. The management has put the IT department on part-time status until then. So that means I've just become a part-time stay-at-home/working mom.

I'm having trouble adjusting to being a part-time working mom. I've been a working full-time since I was out of college and I haven't really thought of myself as the Stay-At-Home Mom (SAHM) type. I stayed home with the kids after they were born for about 8-9 months but most of that is a blur.

I'm not saying that there is anything wrong with being a SAHM. On the contrary, I imagine that job is more difficult than being a working mom. I have great respect for those moms who have decided whether by choice or not to be a SAHM. I just have never pictured myself as a SAHM. I was always afraid that I would kill my kids or drive my husband crazy if I stayed home. :) If you ask most of my family and close friends, they will tell you the same thing.

So I have to wonder, what I am going to do with myself? I have a few options to explore once I am officially jobless.

  1. Pound the pavement and find another full-time position.
  2. Become a SAHM.
  3. Find a part-time job and continue with the part-time SAH/Working Mom idea
  4. Lacking one of the above options as possible.....jumping on the unemployment retraining band-wagon, if I am even eligible for it.

Now here are my current stats.

  1. My hubby is currently working and his salary is quite capable of covering the bills (as long as we hunker down and reduce our expenses).
  2. I have a standing offer of part-time work with a consultant that deals with the same ERP software system that I have been working on for the past 13 years (thus my systems analyst/trainer job title). This part-time work isn't consistent or guaranteed but I can do most of the work from home and travel is only what I am willing to do. I have already started working for this consultant just to get a feel for whether it's going to work for me and my family. Working from home is a new experience for me as well.
  3. My youngest is only in school part-time (every other day) and will continue with this schedule next school season as well.
  4. I live in a small farm town not really all that close to any major cities (major city is about 45 minutes to 1 hour away). I'm not really willing to do this drive (gas $, need I say more), but if I had to, I guess I could. The salary would have to be worth it.
  5. We could relocate but hubby's job is close to where we live and any relocation at this point might be too costly what with housing prices currently.

So that's a small bit about my life right now.

I would love to hear from anyone who is currently going through the same thing or who has in the past gone through this. I would love to read about what you decided and how it worked out for you.